Was Rhea inside mortuary during Sushant’s post-mortem? Why?

New Delhi: The CBI has started investigating in Mumbai the Sushant Singh Rajput death case. Each passing day, however, new facts and claims are popping forth.

The latest in the series is a report that the day after Sushant’s body was discovered in his flat, girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty was inside the mortuary of Cooper Hospital near his body for about 45 minutes. A purported video of the incident is also doing the rounds.

According to video, Rhea is seen going to the hospital’s mortuary and exits after about 45 minutes. The video was reportedly made on June 15. Rhea can be seen with two boys and a woman.

It’s being speculated that the woman alongside Rhea is Shruti Modi. The others with Rhea are said to be her brother Shauvik and Sushant’s home supervisor Samuel Miranda.

After the video surfaced, questions are being raised as to how did Rhea get permission to go inside the mortuary. Technically, a mortuary is a restricted area where nobody can enter without the permission of the police and the members of the deceased’s family.

The supposed entry of Rhea inside the mortuary, as the video shows, is a bit more unusual as it happened during the Coronavirus pandemic when the Union and State governments and the local administration are insisting on all citizens taking all health precautions.

Subramanian Swamy’s question- Is tampering with proof?

After the viral video surfaced, BJP leader and Rajya Sabha MP Subramanian Swamy asked a question in a tweet: “When the post-mortem was being conducted at RC Cooper Hospital, (Sushant Singh Rajput’s) live-in girlfriend Rhea was there for 45 minutes. Was she allowed inside the room where the post-mortem was happening and tampered with the proof? She must be nicknamed Femi Fetal (man-eater or villain).”

CBI detains Sushant’s cook for questioning

Meanwhile, the CBI has began questioning Sushant Singh Rajput’s cook Neeraj in detention. Neeraj had claimed that he had given a glass of juice to Sushant on the morning of June 14.

A group of CBI officers also reached the workplace of Bandra DCP Abhishek Trimukhe to collect data.

Does CBI not believe Mumbai Police?

The CBI team has been stationed at the DRDO Visitor Home. It’s being claimed that the CBI officers don’t believe the versions of the Maharashtra authorities and the State police. Due to this, they are determined to remain within the guesthouse as against any alternative resort or visitor’s home of the State authorities.