Mumbai. Photographs of the wedding and reception of the newly-wedded couple Aditya Narayan and Shweta Aggarwal tied on 1 December are becoming increasingly viral on social media. From the wedding to the reception, there was a lot of buzz, videos of which are being liked a lot through fans. Although now Shweta has come to her in-laws but Singer Aditya has threatened her very soon as she moves into her in-laws.
A video has been shared from Aditya Narayan’s fanpage. In which Shweta is seen performing the rituals of the house. Shweta cooks in the kitchen with her mother-in-law, i.e. Deepa Narayan, when Aditya also comes there and starts threatening Shweta. Commenting on Shweta’s cooking, Aditya says, “No effort should be left in the test, otherwise go to your in-laws …”.
Though Aditya was supposed to speak Maika instead of her in-laws’ house, he makes a mistake. Then, correcting the mistake, Aditya once again threatens Shweta with no shortage in the test. Only then all the members of the house start laughing.
This video of Aditya Narayan and Shweta is fast becoming viral on social media. Fans are praising the fun of both through comments. At the same time, people are also praying for both of them to be together forever. Please tell that Shweta and Aditya were in a relationship for 11 years. Their families are also very happy with their marriage.