Actress Alia Bhatt is gearing up for the release of her upcoming film Gangubai Kathiawadi, directed by noted filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali. In the film, Alia Bhatt plays the role of Gangubi – a madam in the red light area of Kamathipura, Mumbai. Alia’s performance in the film’s trailer looks super promising and is worth watching. Well this is not the first time that Alia has given such a great performance. The actress has proved her worth in the past decade in films like Raazi, Udta Punjab and Gully Boy.
Recently, on 12 February 2021, a press meet was organized during the promotion of the film. During the conference, Alia was asked whether this is the most difficult and challenging part of her career so far.
To which he agreed, saying, “It’s not even a character that has to be entertaining because otherwise, it’s a commercial film. So, Highway and Udta Punjab were very tough characters, but the film was like the style or the details.” Like you speak more about the performance in the film. Here you have to enjoy it too. This is also very important and it will speak about the performance as well. So, for that matter, it’s really a film after a long time. Time when you are modeling a character.
She continued, “A lot of people are coming to tell me that it has reminded them of a vision, I don’t know how it grew. 4 foot Amitabh Bachchan, people are coming and telling me this (Laughs). The grip of a character that I haven’t experienced as an actor and haven’t seen anyone do the language. Sir (Sanjay Leela Bhansali) wanted him to keep the portrayal amusing, but to keep it. To keep it intense and to keep it. So it was tough. So I would say it’s probably the hardest because while being authentic it has to be entertaining as well.”
Gangubai Kathiawadi has also been selected to screen at the 72nd Berlin International Film Festival in February and will have its world premiere at the festival, which will be screened as part of the Berlinale Special, a segment of the film festival dedicated to exemplary cinema. dedicated to display. ,
Viacom18 Studios and Paramount Pictures International will distribute Gangubai Kathiawadi in all international markets outside India. Produced by Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Dr. Jayantilal Gada (Pen Studio), the film is all set to release in cinemas on 25 February 2022.