Lucknow: In UP, on Friday, goodbye prayers will be held at pre-determined places amid tight security of central security forces. It will not be allowed in any new or any public place. Following the instructions of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, the police-administration has been asked to make strict security arrangements in all the districts along with being vigilant.
On Friday in the month of Ramzan, goodbye prayers will be offered at 31,151 pre-determined places in the state. Tight security arrangements have been made for this. DGP Mukul Goyal has deployed 46 Company PAC and 7 Company Central Armed Police Force to maintain security at the places of Namaz and other sensitive places.
2846 locations are sensitive and 2705 sensitive
According to the DGP Headquarters, goodbye prayers are to be held on Friday at 19949 mosques, 7436 Idgahs and 2846 other places. These 2846 places have been marked as vulnerable. Apart from this, 2705 places have also been considered sensitive. Tight security arrangements will be made at all these places. Apart from the police of the districts, 46 company PAC and 7 company CAPF have been deployed. Two DSPs each have also been sent to Moradabad and Prayagraj. Along with this, 1492 police trainees will also be engaged in the duty of security arrangements. All the zonal ADGs and IG-DIGs of the range have been instructed to provide all support in coordination with the police captains of the districts.
Report of compliance of rules in religious places summoned by 30
The state government has asked to conduct weekly review of the compliance of rules in the shrines at the district level and send the first compliance report by April 30. The reports of the districts will be sent to the government through the commissioners of police, the divisional commissioners and the commissionerate.