In a shocking incident, Malayalam actor Anil Nedumangad died on Friday in Thodupuzha, Kerala. He was 48.
The actor of ‘Ayyappanam Koshyum’ was swimming with friends in the reservoir of Malankara Dam at the time of the incident. He was in the area to shoot a film. His body was recovered by Fire and Rescue Services.
Anil Nedumangad best known for his roles in Ayyappanam Koshiyum, Kammattippadam, Porinchu Mariam Jose and Pavada drowned in the Malankara Dam reservoir on Friday evening. He was 48.
According to officials, the incident occurred around 5.30 pm. He had stepped into the Malankara reservoir to bathe with friends. After searching for about 30 minutes, the body was found. The body was shifted to the mortuary of Thodupuzha District Hospital for autopsy. Thodupuzha had arrived to shoot the film as the actor and team lead.
Anil Nedumangad worked as a television presenter and producer before entering the film industry. His first film was Nejan Steve Lopez directed by Rajesh Ravi. His performance in Ayyappanam Koshiyum as a police officer was widely praised. His last film was Papam Cheyathavar Kallriet released in February.
On Friday, Anil posted a Facebook post paying tribute to director Saachi aka KR Sachchidananda, who died in June this year. Saatchi’s birthday was on Friday.