Gyanvapi Masjid: SC allows cleaning of ‘Vajukhana’ where ‘Shivling’ was found

New Delhi: In a significant development, the Supreme Court on Tuesday granted permission to Hindu women petitioners directing them to clean the ‘Vazukhana’ area within the Gyanvapi Masjid complex, where a ‘Shivlinga’ was discovered. The order emphasizes the need to maintain sanitary conditions in the said area under the supervision of the Varanasi district administration, in line with the previous directions of the apex court.

Gyanvapi Masjid Management Committee Express Support

The Gyanvapi Masjid Management Committee expressed its support for the cleaning initiative, especially focusing on the water tank which had been sealed for almost two years as per Supreme Court directions. The ‘Vazukhana’, a sacred reservoir where devotees take bath before prayers, has attracted attention due to the unfortunate incident of fish kill between December 12 and 25, 2023. And Hindu petitioner.

Holy ‘Shivalinga’ amid unfortunate circumstances

The application filed by lawyer Vishnu Shankar Jain drew attention to the presence of a sacred Shivalingam, emphasizing its importance for the Hindu community. Aggrieved by the present situation, the application stressed the need to keep the Shivalinga away from dirt, filth and any unhygienic condition. The revelation that the Shivalinga was among the dead fishes caused pain to the devotees of Lord Shiva, further increasing the plea for intervention.

The application also pointed fingers at Anjuman Anjamia Masjid, the management committee responsible for the mosque, for the situation of fish deaths. The claim that the unfortunate situation could have been prevented by shifting the fish as suggested by the Varanasi District Magistrate underlines the urgency in the petition. The allegations and counter-allegations between the Hindu and Muslim sides have further complicated the already sensitive Gyanvapi Masjid-Kashi Vishwanath Temple dispute.

Historical context: ‘Shivalinga’ or ‘fountain’?

The ‘Wuzu’ area of the Gyanvapi Mosque has been the focus of a long-running dispute between Hindus and Muslims since the discovery of the ‘Shivling’ in 2022. This structure is challenged by Hindus as a “Shivalinga” and a “fountain”. “by Muslims, was found during a court-directed survey on May 16, 2022. The ongoing disagreement over the nature of the structure adds to the complexities surrounding the Gyanvapi Masjid-Kashi Vishwanath Temple case.

Even as the Supreme Court intervenes to address the immediate concern of cleanliness of the ‘Vazukhana’, the widespread controversy remains a challenge, reflecting the delicate balance between religious sentiments and legal considerations.