New Delhi: Several months have passed since the death of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput. Three major central government agencies are investigating this case. But after the AIIMS report came out, the whole case was overturned. The team of doctors of AIIMS rejected the theory of murder in their report. However, Sushant’s family has questioned this report of AIIMS. Recently, Sushant’s sister Shweta Singh Kirti has decided to reach out to him through Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘Mann ki Baat’ program with the fans to get justice for her brother. Shweta has run a hashtag on her Twitter.
Sushant’s sister Shweta tweeted, “#ManKiBaat4SSR is a great chance to raise your voice for justice and truth.” Through this we can remain united and show that the public is waiting for justice. I would also like to thank my family who are always standing together. “
Through Modi’s program ‘Mann Ki Baat’, people will send their talk to PM Modi on the online portal through recording or message to get justice for Sushant. Sushant’s fans will also tag PMO and other PM’s official account handles in messages made on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram posts. Fans can reach PM Modi on October 14 from 8 am to 8 pm.
Please tell that fans have been engaged in this mission since his death to bring justice to Sushant Singh Rajput. In order to get justice for Sushant in foreign countries, there is a war on social media. Hoardings of Justice for Sushant are in place. However, despite denying the facts in Sushant’s forensic report from AIIMS, the fans have not given up and now everyone is going to unite and demand justice directly from PM Modi through ‘Mann Ki Baat’.
Also read in Hindi: आज लोग रखेंगे मोदी के सामने अपने ‘मन की बात’, मांगेंगे सुशांत के लिए न्याय