Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra have been making headlines ever since the actress removed both Chopra and Jonas from her Instagram and Twitter handles. The pair are again in the news for their new show The Jonas Brothers Family Roast on Netflix. The show is being hosted by Kenan Thompson. The comedy special premiered on Netflix on November 23.
The Jonas Brothers – Nick, Joe and Kevin introduced themselves to the outrageous comedy genre called Roast. Amidst the many revelations made by Nick and Priyanka, the news of them ‘hoping’ has grabbed everyone’s attention.
Priyanka, who is known to speak her mind every now and then, said on the show that Nick and she are the only couple in the Jonas family who have no children. And what they are expecting. a baby? Well wait. They are looking forward to getting drunk and sleeping. “We’re looking forward to getting drunk tonight and sleeping tomorrow,” she said. Oh, PeeCee, you put us there!
Priyanka totally killed it on the roast. Addressing her age difference with Nick, Priyanka said that since her husband is 10 years younger, she often teaches him pop-culture references. She further added that as a mutual understanding, Nick shows her how to use TikTok while Priyanka shows her how to build a successful acting career.
Priyanka said, “Nick and I have a 10-year age difference and there are a lot of 90s pop culture references that they don’t understand and I have to explain that to them. Which is fine because we teach each other . We teach each other things. For example, he showed me how to use TikTok, and I showed him what a successful acting career looks like.”